
Supplytrain celebrated having helped more than 900 young people to start a job via the government’s Kickstart youth employment scheme.
Recently praised by the Department for Work and Pensions for becoming the largest ‘Kickstart gateway’ in the South-East of England, Supplytrain has helped over 200 organisations to create 900 six-month jobs for people aged 16 to 24 who are on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.
Phil Golding, Managing Director of Supplytrain said:
“The Kickstart scheme has enabled us to work with some amazing employers across the UK, to provide supportive, entry-level, job roles to young people that just needed a chance to show their ability in the workplace.
“The vast majority of the young people that have completed the scheme through our gateway have gone on to further work or study and a lot of that is down to the support our employer partners give young people, twinned with the 1-2-1 online mentoring service that Supplytrain provides each young person during their placement.
“It’s fitting that we are able to run a business of this nature from Hastings. As a coastal town that has high levels of social deprivation our staff understand a lot of the challenges young people from disadvantaged backgrounds face, and they are passionate about helping those young people overcome these barriers and start, sustain and succeed in their jobs wherever they are based in the UK.”
The impact of the Kickstart Scheme – stories to be told
The Kickstart scheme has had a profound impact on 100s of young people that we have come into contact with and dozens of employers whose businesses have been transformed by the scheme too. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be bringing you some of these stories – starting with our own Kickstart staff!
Please get in touch at [email protected] if you want to talk to us about how we can support you to give young people a fairer start into work.